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Please support The Baxter’s drive towards financial sustainability, by buying us a cup of coffee for only R30 per month. You can also choose your amount or to donate yearly.


Donate by debit/credit card

Click on the button below to choose the best option for you.

Donate by EFT or Stop Order

Please use the following banking details:

Account Name: UCT Baxter Theatre Centre Deposit Account
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: Rondebosch
Acc Number: 270628444
Branch Code: 025009
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ
Reference: BCA_Your Cell Number (example: BCA_0780469662)

Kindly fill out this quick form here so we can keep track of your donation. If you require a Section 18A Tax Certificate, please also email the proof of payment to mark.dobson@uct.ac.za.

Donate via SnapScan


Donate via Debit Order

Please download the Debit Order document here.

Once complete, please send it back to Mark Dobson (mark.dobson@uct.ac.za), confirming the amount in your email, so we can process the debit order.